I am a spiritual artist, hypnotherapist, shaman and mother of two wonderful children. After my career as an architect I studied shamanic technics in the International Shamanic Academy, from several native shamans, and in Nepal and Mongolia. I live and work in a small town in the south of Germany, near to nature and mountains.
Nature is so amazingly diverse, rich in species and full of inspiration for us, being a part of it. Nature is everywhere. Becoming aware of nature and connecting with the spirits, that all creatures, plants, things and objects have, we get a better understanding of ourselves and our current position in life.

Animal Art individual paintings

My Animal Art

Archetypal animal spirits are powerful guides who offer their strength, knowledge and wisdom through visions and images. These power animals provide inspiration and guidance as we delve into our inner worlds to explore our soul path.

During the painting process my artworks are energized by me. They then pass on their spiritual power to you daily. The highly vibrating aura of the image of your animal spirit guide also changes the atmosphere, creating a positive fundamental vibration in your room.
I work with acrylic paint on canvas.

If you are interested in an artwork of your own animal spirit guide, specially made for you, according to your wishes, please contact me!  koschier@t-online.de

Artworks: here are some examples for the price, depending on the size (shipping excluded)

  • Format    40 x 40 cm / 30 x 50 cm                      550,- Euro
  • Format    60 x 60 cm / 50 x 70 cm                   1.100,- Euro
  • Format    80 x 80 cm / 70 x 90 cm                   1.900,- Euro
  • Format    80 x 100 cm / 60 x 120 cm               2.300,- Euro


BUY NOW on ArtPal

OR CONTACT ME:     koschier@t-online.de


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*All artwork imagery remains copyright protected to the artist. If you wish to use an image or reproduce it, please email your request:  koschier@t-online.de

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